Sunday, 18 December 2011

Finding Our Way Home - Charlene Ann Baumbich

Sasha Davis, principal ballerina at a Boston-based ballet company, suffers an injury that causes her career to end. She returns home, with a heavy heart and healing body, to her childhood home in Minnesota. Her injuries are limiting and living in her deceased mother's home, seems to compound the healing process.

Realising that she cannot do this alone, she enlists the help of Evelyn Burt. Evelyn has so much energy and despite Sasha's curt attitude towards the lively 19 year old, it doesn't stop Evelyn from seeing the world filled with opportunities just waiting to be grabbed. Slowly, the women form a friendship and "discover the astounding power of even the smallest act done in the name of love".

This story is simply lovely and heartwarming. It tells of friendship, patience and ultimately love. That a broken body can be healed and even if you were following one path, veering off it can sometimes bring its own rewards. Baumbich's characters are diverse when compared to each other; Sasha - a diminutive, regal dancer and Evelyn - a large-boned tomboy. Yet, the unfolding respect and friendship that blossoms between them is admirable. That a 37year old can learn how to live life, find enjoyment in it from a 19 year old shows that friendship doesn't see age.

As the story progresses, the once seemingly perfect life of Evelyn is thrown in to turmoil. Then, it's Sasha turn to help Evelyn to heal, to understand that heartache and heartbreak are part of the course of life, but it shouldn't stop you from living. Through this tough time, Sasha reunites with her husband who she tried to shun from her life since the accident, but realised how much she missed and needed him and realise that he felt the same way.

Essentially this is an uplifting tale of finding grace and seizing second chances. Baumbich style of writing is effortless - well written with rich characters that I easily sympathized with, liked and understood. A recommended read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from WaterbrookMultnomah as part of the Blogging for Books program. The opinions expressed here are my own. 

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