Autumn begins its descent in the town of New Bergen and part-time worker for his sister's cafe, Andy (Anders) Skyberg is keen to spend as much time as possible with the strikingly beautiful Finnish architect who is designing a new cafe and art gallery.
But with the best laid plans, Andy is finding it increasingly difficult. But what does he expect when he's the "go-to guy"? For starters his elderly neighbors (Elsie and Emma) want him to have a few words with a professor/historian who's convinced they're twins of ill repute. He does but Andy learns from Lance Robeson - a man he met whilst delivering a lunch order who was having a heck of fight with his ex-wife at the time - that the professor has some solid facts.
Then his parents, taking a short break from their RV vacation, ask him to entertain a couple they met on their trip. Mona is easy enough to get on with but her husband, Joe is annoying - he has to be the person who's done one better.
His Aunt Bev heavily suggests that he takes the role of interim Mayor until her son, Myron (Ronnie) returns home to take up the role. Andy mulls it over but before he has a chance to say no to his aunt, his friend shows him a campaign poster of sorts that his aunt has put together. Looks like he won't have a chance to decline the proposal now.
And then to top things off, King Harald, Andy's loyal pooch, has a penchant for thievery - a thousand dollar note hidden in a famous yellow magazine and a risque garden gnome. He has to return them to the rightful owners. However, questions arise. How did his sweet old neighbor have a thousand dollar note? Is it somehow connected to Professor Robeson?
In no time at all, the affable large mutt detects a familiar smell. One that he's not too keen on but he knows. And then he stumbles upon a body. Somehow the boss isn't going to be too happy about this.
The reluctant crime-finding duo try their hardest not to get too involved in this latest murder. Thankfully a full plate of art, a Finnish lover with a secret, politics, squirrels and entertaining friends doesn't lend to to much investigating.
Anders curiosity is piqued and wants to know if Elsie or Emma did have a colorful past. They must have more of those bills stashed in the National Geographic magazines. He hopes they're not involved, they're sweet old women. But more than that he hopes Harald keeps his nose out of trouble!
Audry's canine cosy is an exciting yet laid back quick read. His characters are solid and likable, especially Harald. The author writes the dog's perspective on the murderous situation adding a great dimension to the story. Well written in an easy style and wonderful language, if it's your first time meeting the lovable dog, I suggest reading his first adventure. A highly recommended read.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author to review. The opinions expressed are my own and I am not required to give a positive critique.
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